Love is in the air this weekend in the midst of the NoHo Arts District. We are excited to announce that our long-form improv show will be at the ACME COMEDY THEATER this Saturday February 15th at 6:30PM.
We’ll feature two teams performing their relationship-based, lovingest, slightly expanded sets. BLOCKBUSTER features Mark Allen, Jerry Witt, Jon Thompson, and Ruby Willmann. They present an improvised Hollywood-style big-budget movie, live, on stage. Everything except the fancy costumes, exotic locations, epic special effects, and major stars. Instead, THIS blockbuster will concentrate on real human connection while skewering your favorite movie-genre.
Plus we are featuring the return of THE SHIRLEY TEMPLARS to the Rocket Science Show. The Shirley Templars are venturing out as an indie team, ready to conquer the improv world by following the fun. This team was formed at the Westside Comedy Theater, and features Matt Bebe, Lish Bliss, Sarah Colmaire, Nick Crosby, Jeff Faehnle, Michael Heiman, Alice Safarti, and Alex Wiggins. They also have a guest: Zak Roland of Forever Team.

Tickets are just $4 online (through Eventbright) and $7 at the door. The theater has a one drink minimum, but that can be a $2 water or a super-fancy beer or glass of wine for a swanky $6.
Whether your Valentine’s Day was awesome or meh, we guarantee that this post-Valentine’s show will lighten your mood and fill your heart with joy.